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New Attraction in Manaslu Trek, Milarepa Park in Namrung Village Inaugurated on 2/27/2024

February 28, 2024

The Manaslu Circuit Trek is a popular trekking route in Nepal, and one of the villages along this route is Namrung. Recently, a new local attraction has been added to the village that is drawing attention from visitors – the Milerapa Park. This park is home to several impressive statues, including 16-inch-tall figures of Marpa Lotsāwa, Gampopa, Milarepa, and Shakyamuni Buddha. These statues are intricately designed and are a sight to behold. 

The location of the park has also been given a new name by the locals, who have called it Thukjeling. This name reflects the cultural significance of the park and adds to its charm. Visitors to Namrung village can now enjoy the beauty of the Milerapa Park and learn more about the rich history and culture of Nepal. 

Group Picture with Milarepa in Background

The Namrung village has recently received a significant addition to its local attractions, in the form of a new park that is ideally located for trekkers heading towards Larkya Pass or Mount Manaslu expeditions. This park was established with the generous aid of a prominent local social worker, Mr. Sonam Gyalgen Lama, who worked tirelessly to make this project a reality.

The inauguration ceremony of this park was a grand affair that spanned three days, marked by vibrant cultural celebrations and divine chants of Buddhist mantras and hymns. The ceremony was graced by the presence of 18 Buddhist priests, who gathered to perform the function and bless the park with their prayers and blessings.

Buddhist Priests on Rituals

Thanks to the efforts of Mr. Sonam Gyalgen Lama and the support of the local community, this park has become a landmark of Namrung village and a source of pride for its residents. The park offers a serene and peaceful retreat for visitors and trekkers, who can take a break from their journeys and enjoy the natural surroundings of this beautiful region.

In Namrung village, a newly opened park named Milarepa park has made special arrangements for local elders to perform their daily meditation practices. The inauguration ceremony of the park was attended by official representatives of all the local government bodies, who expressed their hope in their inaugural speech that the park will contribute to the betterment of the locals. The ceremony was observed with great enthusiasm and excitement. 

Inauguration Ceremony

The ward president of the community also suggested that tourists visiting the region, either for Manaslu Circuit Trek or Manaslu Expedition, should visit this park at least once during their stay. The park provides an excellent opportunity for tourists to connect with the locals and learn about their traditional meditation practices. 

The inauguration ceremony was a significant event for the Namrung village, and it is hoped that the park will become a popular destination for visitors and the locals alike. With its serene environment and the availability of meditation practices, the park aims to provide a peaceful and meditative experience to all those who visit it.

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